Learn about The Geese Story

Found this article and think that it might be good to share it with you. This is the story of the geese where they work together to reach their destination. This is about Teamwork.

In the fall when you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in the “V” formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.
People who are part of a team and share a common direction get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are travelling on the trust of one another and lift each other up along the way.

Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go through it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the power of the flock.
If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation and share information with those who are headed the same way that we are going.

When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose takes over.
It pays to share leadership and take turns doing hard jobs.

The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed.
Words of support and inspiration help energize those on the front line, helping them to keep pace in spite of the day-to-day pressures and fatigue. It is important that our honking be encouraging. Otherwise it’s just – well honking!

Finally, when a goose gets sick or is wounded by a gunshot and falls out, two geese fall out of the formation and follow the injured one down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he is dead, and then they launch out with another formation to catch up with their group.
When one of us is down, it’s up to the others to stand by us in our time of trouble. If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other when things get rough. We will stay in formation with those headed where we want to go.

The next time you see a formation of geese, remember…

IT IS A REWARD, A CHALLENGE AND A PRIVILEGE to be a contributing member of a TEAM.

Learn about Raving Fans

“Raving Fans”, written by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles, is about the revolutionary approach to customer service. According to Blanchard and Bowles, in today’s world it is not good enough for us to just having satisfied customers. If we really want to retain our present customers and attract new customers, we would have to create Raving Fans, which is the ultimate in customer service. A Raving Fan relationship goes far beyond the company’s product/service. Customers are only satisfied because of two reasons; one is their expectations are low and the other is that nobody is doing better than what we are doing now.

We don’t own any customers. Customers just parked in our doorsteps and would be more than glad to move away if they find somewhere better. If we really want to own them, we would have to go beyond satisfied customers and create Raving Fans.

Here are the three magic secrets found in the book for the creation Raving Fans.

(a)       Decide What You Want

When we have decided what we want in customer service, we would have to create a vision of perfection centered on when the customers use the product/service.

Once we have a real vision, what we need to do is to bring down the picture from our mind to the level of what was actually happening in the organisation and see where the bumps and warts are. The perfect vision would not be a frozen picture of the future as customers’ needs and wants change all the time.

We would have to use own initiative and be flexible to change our vision when necessary. Visions would either grow or die. And when vision dies, it’s customer service that gets buried. We have to be ready to change direction when the vision changes.

(b)       Discover What The Customer Wants

Discover the customers’ vision of what they really want and then alter our vision to fill in the gaps if there is a need. The secret to discover what our customers really want is to ask them for their visions. We could be altering a few times before finding out what the customers really want. Instead of just suggesting improvements, we should show the customers exactly what we could do.

There might be some unhappy customers whose expectations are far outside our window and we would not be able to satisfy their needs. We would have to tell these complainers politely that what they wanted wasn’t part of our customer service package. Rather than give them extra time and attention and further diverting the company from the true vision, we should suggest that these customers to look elsewhere where they could find their needs. Good service means looking after every whim of the customers within the window we have defined in our vision and strive to be the best.

(c)       Deliver Plus One

We would have to deliver all the time and there should be not exceptions contemplated or allowed. We might want to start with a limit number of services where we want to make a difference as this would allow us to be consistent in our service.

We could always build towards the total vision once we are successful with one or two things. We should not introduce new things when we couldn’t even get the old ones right. We should not offer something that is too big or difficult to get right all at once. There is no sense for us to do big things if we could not successfully implement them quickly. It would be better to do smaller things that we could deliver consistently. If we promise something and do not deliver, we are cheating the customers.

We would have to meet first and exceed later. Regardless of what we promise, it’s consistency that’s important. Customers allow themselves to be seduced into becoming Raving Fans only when they know they can count on us time and time again. Consistency is critical in good customer service as it creates credibility.

Once we are consistent, ongoing improvement is equally important. The one percent rule is to keep us moving ahead and focused beyond our vision. It reminds us that all we have to do is to improve by one percent. If we improve one percent a week, we will be ahead of more than fifty percent after a year.

The rule of one percent also lets us constantly monitor the customers’ needs and alter our direction when they alter theirs. Listening to customers is powerful. Responding to what customers say is dynamite.

Source : “Raving Fans” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. Published by William Morrow and Company. Inc., USA.

三十六计 智谋大全

人 与 动 物 的 重 要 区 别 是 在 于 人 能 运 用 大 脑 进 行 思 维。

智 谋 就 是 一 种 整 体 性 的 辩 认 思 为。智 谋 就 好 比 一 把 无 形 的 刀 子 深 深 的 藏 在 人 的 脑 子 里, 要 使 用 时 这 把 刀 就 会 闪 亮 亮 的 露 出 刀 丰。智 谋 就 是 人 在 特 定 环 境 为 达 到 目地 所 采 取 的 巧 妙 方 略。

能 引 用 智 谋 的 人 不 易 被 人 挤 倒, 肯 动 脑 筋 想 计 的 人 始 终 能 站 立 於 工 作 位 上。人 生 就 是 战 斗, 战 斗 必 有 计 谋。 这 里 有 三 十 六 计 智 谋 大 全 送 你 们 好 好 的 使 用。

(1) 瞒 天 过 海
(2) 围 魏 救 赵
(3) 借 刀 杀 人
(4) 以 逸 待 劳
(5) 趁 火 打 劫
(6) 声 东 击 西
(7) 无 中 生 有
(8) 暗 渡 陈 仓
(9) 隔 岸 观 火
(10) 笑 里 藏 刀
(11) 李 代 桃 僵
(12) 顺 手 牵 羊
(13) 打 草 惊 蛇
(14) 借 尸 还 魂
(15) 调 虎 离 山
(16) 欲 擒 故 纵
(17) 抛 砖 引 玉
(18) 擒 贼 擒 王
(19) 釜 底 抽 薪
(20) 混 水 摸 鱼
(21) 金 蝉 脱 壳
(22) 关 门 捉 贼
(23) 远 交 近 攻
(24) 假 道 伐 号
(25) 偷 梁 换 柱
(26) 指 桑 骂 槐
(27) 假 痴 不 癫
(28) 上 屋 抽 梯
(29) 树 上 开花
(30) 反 客 为 主
(31) 美 人 计
(32) 空 城 计
(33) 反 间 计
(34) 苦 肉 计
(35) 连 环 计
(36) 走 为 上 计

六 六 三 十 六, 数 中 有 术, 术 中 有 数。
阴 阳 变 理, 机 在 其 中,机 不 可 设 , 设 则 不 中。

孙 子 兵 法

孙 子 兵 法 是 智 慧 的 结 晶。它 早 己 突 破 了 “军 事” 的 界 线 而 深 受 各 界 人 士 的 青 睐。希 望 这 里 的 二 十 八 条 兵 法 能 增 添 您 的 才 智。 

(1) 战 事 关 天 , 不 可 不 察
(2) 五 德 皆 备 , 可 为 大 将
(3) 攻 其 无 备 , 出 其 不 意
(4) 未 战 先 算 , 多 算 取 胜
(5) 就 地 取 柴 , 以 战 养 战
(6) 兵 贵 神 速 , 以 快 制 胜
(7) 上 兵 伐 谋 , 兵 不 血 刃
(8) 知 己 知 彼 , 百 战 百 胜
(9) 创 造 条 件 , 以 弱 制 强
(10) 避 实 击 虚 , 以 集 灭 散
(11) 出 奇 制 胜 , 防 不 胜 防
(12) 争 取 主 动 , 避 免 被 动
(13) 随 机 应 变 , 用 兵 如 神
(14) 以 迂 为 直 , 以 退 为 进
(15) 兵 不 厌 诈 , 因 敌 制 胜
(16) 避 其 锐 气 , 击 其 惰 归
(17) 纵 横 捭 阖 , 攻 心 为 上
(18) 以 利 诱 敌 , 太 公 钓 鱼
(19) 防 患 未 然 , 有 备 无 害
(20) 处 变 不 惊 , 从 容 对 敌
(21) 察 微 知 著 , 胸 有 成 竹
(22) 恩 威 并 用 , 刚 柔 相 济
(23) 巧 借 地 形 , 所 向 无 敌
(24) 衢 地 险 关 , 兵 家 必 争
(25) 围 地 则 谋 , 死 地 则 战
(26) 乘 机 而 入 , 以 石 击 卵
(27) 它 石 攻 玉 , 巧 借 东 风
(28) 上 智 为 间 , 谍 战 有 术

Pre-cancelled Stamps

These stamps that have been pre-cancelled by the Singapore Post Office with the date stamp on the day the stamps were issued.

PC Stamps.40

S$3. S$3. 75th Anniversary of Girl Guiding 1985

PC Stamps.34

S$3. Singapore Skyline

PC Stamps.39

S$6. 25 Year of Nation Building




PC Stamps.37

S$4. 30th Anniversary of The Independence of Singapore

PC Stamps.30

S$4. Sports Series Indoor Stadium

PC Stamps.32

S$3. Neighbourhood Watch 1983

PC Stamps.31

S$3. Butterflies issued on 3 March 1982


PC Stamps.29

S$4. Architectural Heritage Series Conservation




PC Stamps.33

S$5. Corals & Reef Life

PC Stamps.35

S$2. Singapore-China Joint Issue (City Views)

PC Stamps.36

S$3. Bangkok International Stamp Exhibition 1983

PC Stamps.38

S$3. 25th Anniversary of PUB 1988

PC Stamps.41

S$3. 25th Anniversary of ASEAN 1992


PC Stamps.7

S$6. Orchid Series 1991. Issued on 24 April 1991.

PC Stamps.12

S$5. XII South-East Asia Games 1983.

PC Stamps.19

S$3. 10th Anniversary of the Production Movement 1991.


PC Stamps.9

S$3. People’s Association 25th Anniversary 1985.

PC Stamps.4

S$3. Art Series by Chen Wen His (High Value)


PC Stamps.24

S$4. 20th Anniversary of ASEAN 1987

PC Stamps.5

S$3. 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons

PC Stamps.18

S$5. Technical Training

PC Stamps.25

S$4. 25 Years of Operationally Ready NS 1994

PC Stamps.10

S$4. Commonwealth Day 1983

PC Stamps.3

S$5. Singapore Postage Landmarks 2000

PC Stamps.2

S$3. 15th Asean Ministerial Meeting 1982

PC Stamps.6

S$4. World Communications Year 1983

PC Stamps.11

S$6. Orchid 1995 (High Value)

PC Stamps.13

S$6. 150 Years of Singapore Postage 1990

PC Stamps.8

S$4. 25th Anniversary of PSA 1989


PC Stamps.14

S$5. Painting for Commonwealth Day Celebration

PC Stamps.15

S$6.Historial Buildings in Singapore

PC Stamps.16

S$4. Trees of Singapore

PC Stamps.17

S$6. Amphibians & Reptiles 1999

PC Stamps.28

S$3. Sports For All 1981

PC Stamps.22

S$4. Singapore Festival by Children


PC Stamps.27

S$3. World Cup Soccer 1982 in Spain

PC Stamps.21

S$5. International Civil Aviation Organisation 1994

PC Stamps.23

S$3. Public Housing Upgrade

PC Stamps.26

S$4. Painting Chinatown in Singapore


Currency Notes

Currency Note.21

S$6. Circulated paper currency notes from Singapore

Currency Note.1

S$350. Circulated Ship Series paper currency notes from Singapore.

Currency Note.2

S$20. Old circulated paper currency note from Japan

Currency Note.23

S$20. Old circulated paper currency notes from Taiwan


Currency Note.3

S$20. Old circulated paper currency note from Japan

Currency Note.9

$10. Circulated paper currency notes from Macau



Currency Note.6

S$3. Paper Currency Notes from China

Currency Note.5

S$2. Paper Currency Notes from China


S$50. Paper Currency Note from Thailand

Currency Note.12

S$20. Old circulated paper currency note from Finland

Currency Note.14

S$20. Old circulated paper currency note from West Germany

Currency Note.13

S$28. Old circulated paper currency note from West Germany

Currency Note.11

S$20. Old Paper Currency Notes from Austria


Currency Note.15

S$20. Old Paper Currency Notes from New Zealand

Currency Note.17

S$350. Circulated Currency Notes from Europe

Aus Notes.1A

S$235. Plastic Currency Notes from Australia

Hua Hin 华欣


I took the train from the Donmuang railway station (just opposite the Don Mueang International Airport) to Bangkok. The train ticket is only 5 baht (20 cents Singapore)  for a 2-hour ride; of course the train is old and without air-con. From Bangkok Chinatown, I took another train to Hua Hin.         

Hua Hin has the best railway station in Thailand as the station is built for the royal families. Hua Hin is a rather small place and I think staying there for 2 nights is more than enough unless you want to visit the bars often.

There is a train library near the station. Surprising I saw a Singapore flag.

Though Hua Hin is known as a beach resort but I do not recommend you to waste your time at the beach as there is no sea sports. There was merely less than one full hand count of people at the beach when I was there.     

I stayed in this Les Bobo’s backpacker when I was in Hua Hin.

Food is all around the place where I stayed. There is also a lively night market.

During the day, I just walk around exporing the places.

Two years later, I went back to Hua Hin with Derek and Christine. This time, we discovered more places of fun and excitment in Hua Hin.

We took a tuk-tuk and asked the drver to show us the interesting places.

We went this food centre for a late lunch.

We stayed in this Tid Tarad Hostel. I stayed with some foregners and both Derek and Christine stayed in anotehr room. There are food, such as fruits, bread, nuts and instant noddles, provided free for the guests all day round.

We also visited the old palace and the man-made flooding market.

Before we left for the next destination, we went the train coffee station to have a taste of the coffee in Hua Hin.


I took the bus from Bangkok’s Northern Bus Terminal (Moh Chit) to Ayutthaya for a day trip. Ayutthaya is worth a visit if you have not been there. From Ayutthaya, I took the train back to Bangkok. 

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