Italy 意大利

人在天涯心在家, 落叶归根回老家
无论你旅游了多少天, 呆了多少月或漂了多少年
无论你看了多少事物, 结交了多少外国朋友

Rome 罗马
Milan 米兰
Vatican City 梵蒂冈城
Hash House Harriers

Canberra 堪培拉

I hesitated. I was trying to find out the cheapest way to travel from Melbourne to Canberra as I couldn’t decide whether I should travel by plane, bus or train. I only came to notice that the price for the train ticket has increased gradually and was almost the same as the price for the air ticket when I made up my mind. Hesitation comes with a price.

Canberra is the Capital of Australia but the place is unexpectedly quiet when I was there. I could hardly see more than 100 people during my 3 days and 2 nights visit. The city is rather small and I could tour the whole place within an hour. I visited the park, the lake, the city, the Museum, the old and new Parliament House, the Australian National University and even went up to the Black Mountain to have an aerial view.

Melbourne 墨尔本

While I was resting on the bench along the Yarra River in a lazy afternoon, this Greece man from Athens approached me. He said he was doing a survey and asked whether I could answer some questions. I agreed to his request.

He started by talking about Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I told him I have read that book. After talking for a while, I realized that he was trying to persuade me to get into some sort of pyramids investment. I have read about this type of investment in Singapore before. It goes something like this – when a person invested $1,000 and he will get 5% interest provided that he introduces another 10 people to invest $1,000 each. These 10 people will have to further each get another 10 people to invest.

I told this Greece man that this type of investment is illegal in Singapore. He asked for my contact number in Singapore and said he will get someone from Network 21 will contact me when I am back in Singapore. I did a search in the Internet and found that there is in fact such an institution known as Network 21 that trains people to be their own boss. But I am not interested in this.

I continued with my sightseeing in this second largest city in Australia. I think I need at least 2 days to tour the whole city. If I am to visit the museums, art galleries and other tourist attractions, I will need another 2 more days.

I went to the Queen Victoria Market and found that it is very interested. I bought 5 tomatoes for 50 cents and 3 big bananas for $1.45. I ate them for lunch. This market is one of the places you will have to visit if you are coming to Melbourne.

Perth 珀斯

I flew with the Singapore Airlines and arrived in Perth for the first stop of the travel.

I approached the Police officer and asked for the direction to the beach.

I walked the whole day till the sunset

I was lucky to watch the celebration of the Australia Day in Perth in the late afternoon.

Fireworks to end the celebration