酒神喝醉了, 海神去航海.
雷神放暑假, 我该怎么办?
闪电在睡着, 风神又不来.
太阳管天下, 我快要疯掉!

到达雅典, 天气仍然如土耳其那样炎热
雖然如此, 在不同的時代人类不斷為了適應其文化演化而變化
无论天气有多热, 被晒到有多黑

I joined the free walking tour on the next day when I reached Athens. For the next few days, I revisited those places that the guide had showed us.

I got confused with the Parthenon and the Acropolis till I asked my friend Mr. G and got to know that the Parthenon is an ancient religious temple the Athenians built for the Greek goddess Athena. The Acropolis is the high hill that the Parthenon was built on. In short, the Parthenon is a temple and the Acropolis is the hill the Parthenon is located.

When you are in Greece, you should visit some of the islands. There are travel agents who will customize island hopping according to your needs but I found these packages are not within my travel budget. Instead, I took the train to the harbor and take pictures of people onboarding the ships.

I tried to strike up a conversation with the young butcher in the local market but didn’t have much luck as I do not speak Greece. Somehow he understood my body and sign languages and posted for me to take pictures. What a wonderful encounter for the trip!

I booked the backpacker that comes with breakfast. I took 2 hard boiled eggs from the mini buffet table and filled up the water bottle when I left the breakfast room. I just need to have another late lunch or earlier dinner for the day, which cost less than S$20. This is the way I control my budget.

Here is the other side of midnight in Greece. Do you consider this an graffiti art or vandalism?