Greece 希腊 (Athens 雅典)

酒神喝醉了, 海神去航海.
雷神放暑假, 我该怎么办?
闪电在睡着, 风神又不来.
太阳管天下, 我快要疯掉!

到达雅典, 天气仍然如土耳其那样炎热
雖然如此, 在不同的時代人类不斷為了適應其文化演化而變化
无论天气有多热, 被晒到有多黑

I joined the free walking tour on the next day when I reached Athens. For the next few days, I revisited those places that the guide had showed us.

I got confused with the Parthenon and the Acropolis till I asked my friend Mr. G and got to know that the Parthenon is an ancient religious temple the Athenians built for the Greek goddess Athena. The Acropolis is the high hill that the Parthenon was built on. In short, the Parthenon is a temple and the Acropolis is the hill the Parthenon is located.

When you are in Greece, you should visit some of the islands. There are travel agents who will customize island hopping according to your needs but I found these packages are not within my travel budget. Instead, I took the train to the harbor and take pictures of people onboarding the ships.

I tried to strike up a conversation with the young butcher in the local market but didn’t have much luck as I do not speak Greece. Somehow he understood my body and sign languages and posted for me to take pictures. What a wonderful encounter for the trip!

I booked the backpacker that comes with breakfast. I took 2 hard boiled eggs from the mini buffet table and filled up the water bottle when I left the breakfast room. I just need to have another late lunch or earlier dinner for the day, which cost less than S$20. This is the way I control my budget.

Here is the other side of midnight in Greece. Do you consider this an graffiti art or vandalism?


I was a cave man in Cappadocia because I stayed in a cave. Most of the hotels in Cappadocia are built in or near to caves. In fact, the whole city is surrounded by caves.

I got a bed in this Stay In Peace Cave Hotel for S$7.50 a night with breakfast and free wifi. There is no air-con in the cave but it was cooling. What a good experience! The owner, a young Turkish couple, are very friendly. They provide information about the place, arrange for tours and do whatever they could to assist the tourists. A good stay!

The whispers in the morning       Woke me up
Of me sleeping light                     I helplessly sigh
Even though I have time              I quickly walked up
Of seeing the hot air balloons      On the mountain side
Sound of my heart beat               Travelled thr morning light
Of me leading myself                   Finding for a good site
The sun unwillingly woke up        And birds flying up high
Of hundreds balloons floating      What a beautiful sight



I took the midnight bus from Cappadocia to Ankara. I though I could save the cost for a night hotel stay and sleep in the bus instead. However, I just couldn’t get a good sleep in the bus. When I reached Ankara at 7am, the hotel was kind enough to let me check-in. Till then I managed to sleep for a few hours.
Ankara is the Capital of Turkey but there aren’t many attractions. I only stayed there for a day and took the bus back to Istanbul the next afternoon.



There is a fire burning in my heart,
I have to cool it before I could start.
There is an excitement growing within me,
I have to stop it before I am not me.



From Canakkale I took a bus to Pamukkale for S$38. This was a long and tiring 8 hours ride and the bus stopped in Denizli instead. At the bus terminal, I approached a policeman to ask for direction and finally I landed up in a small and cosy hotel for S$31 a room with buffet breakfast.   The  next morning I took the mini bus (S$1.58) to Pamukkale.  When I got off the bus, someone from a nearby travel agency approached me asking whether I would  like to join a day tour of Pamukkale for S$54. I told him I would consider about that. 

 After about 10 minutes of walk, another man approached me asking me to join his tour for S$36, which is one third cheaper that the earlier approach.
His group had 2 Canadians, 2 Indians, one Korean and 2 Singaporeans. Without second thought, I joined in the tour. 
Later I found out that the middle age Singaporean couple is a pilot and a teacher. 
I also met 3 young Malay Singaporeans while waiting for the tour. I think we have the Singaporean identity as when we look at each other, we know that we are from Singapore.
Pamukkale means Cotton Castle in Turkish. It is a natural site for hot springs. This is a rather small place but it has some remarkable spots, such as the Roman Spa and Roman Theatre. Though the ancient Roman bath has collapsed but the structures are still there. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Canakkale and Troy

Image Resized at

From Istanbul I took a 46 seater air-con coach to Canakkale for S$27. This is an interesting 6 hours trip where we were served a few rounds of drinks and biscuits in the coach by a uniform attendant pushing a small foldable trolley. It’s like the service in the plane. Very impressive!


Upon reaching the habour, the coach just drove into a ferry without us getting down. In fact there were 3 coaches and other vehicles in the ferry. It took about 30 minutes to cross the sea. I heard that they are going to build a bridge so that the coach could drive across to Canakkale. This might take some years.


 I stayed 3 days and 2 nights in Canakkale. From the city, I took the mini bus to the ancient city of Troy. The bus fare is S$2.70 and the entrance fee to Troy is S$11.25. This is a must visit place in Turkey but there is physically nothing much to see except the wooden horse and stones. Spending an hour is more than enough. I will suggest that you watch the movie Troy and read something about the place so you will appreciate the visit more.


Turkey 土耳其

Share with all on some of the pictures I have taken during my trip to Turkey. Turkey is a big country and you can spend more than a month travelling around but I only stayed there for 12 days. From Istanbul I took the coach to Canakkale, Pamukkale, Cappadocia, Ankara and back to Istanbul. The weather was very hot when I was there in August. The days were long and I was almost “burnt to death”. This made me wrote something about the sun. 

太阳在天空呼唤, 欢迎到这里游玩. 

太阳可是在加班, 阳光照耀在路上.
从六至晚七时半, 向外来游客诉玩.


Canakkale and Troy



太阳你真是麻烦, 快召月亮来接档.

星星你也快出来, 有你路已足够亮.

我要向太阳告狀, 这几天你可好狂.

把我晒成了肉干, 这可没什么好玩.






等候海风快到来, 为我指出一方向.

这几天我在路上, 从白天走到傍晚.

初到这神秘地方, 也不能说太冤枉.


 然而这是土耳其, 拥有神奇的力量.
心中充满了希望, 感觉到人间天堂.

Attractions in Ho Chi Minh

Notre Dame Cathedral

Ho Chi Minh.59 Ho Chi Minh.58 
Ho Chi Minh.62 Ho Chi Minh.55
Saigon Central Post Office and Saigon Opera House

Ho Chi Minh.71 Ho Chi Minh.70 Ho Chi Minh.68 Ho Chi Minh.67  Ho Chi Minh.90  

Ho Chi Minh City Hall  

Ho Chi Minh.83 Ho Chi Minh.80 Ho Chi Minh.86 Ho Chi Minh.81 Ho Chi Minh.85 Ho Chi Minh.84

War Remnants Museum

Ho Chi Minh.225 Ho Chi Minh.218 Ho Chi Minh.219 Ho Chi Minh.226

Water Puppet Show

Ho Chi Minh.232 Ho Chi Minh.130     Ho Chi Minh.117 Ho Chi Minh.137 Ho Chi Minh.138 Ho Chi Minh.142 Ho Chi Minh.146 Ho Chi Minh.133 Ho Chi Minh.136 Ho Chi Minh.128 Independence Palace (Reunification Palace)

Ho Chi Minh.150 Ho Chi Minh.152 Ho Chi Minh.158 Ho Chi Minh.157 Ho Chi Minh.163 Ho Chi Minh.166 Ho Chi Minh.169 Ho Chi Minh.170 Ho Chi Minh.171 Ho Chi Minh.179 Ho Chi Minh.181 Ho Chi Minh.191 Ho Chi Minh.192 Ho Chi Minh.193 Ho Chi Minh.195      Chinese Temple   

Ho Chi Minh.244 Ho Chi Minh.246 Ho Chi Minh.248 Ho Chi Minh.255 Ho Chi Minh.254 Ho Chi Minh.251 Ho Chi Minh.257          Handicapped Handicrafts 

Ho Chi Minh.233 Ho Chi Minh.234 Ho Chi Minh.236 Ho Chi Minh.238 Ho Chi Minh.235 Ho Chi Minh.242

Ho Chi Minh 胡志明市

Ho Chi Minh City is rather small. The tourist attractions are very close to each other and within 2 days you could have seen all of them. I was in Vietnam during the Christmas and New Year seasons. Though there are celebrations in the city but I did not join in; I just had an early sleep in the backpacker. When I arrived in Ho Chi Mihn I stayed in a wonderful capsule hotel. I also witnessed a graduation in the Independence Palace.

Ho Chi Minh.342

Attractions in Ho Chi Minh

Crossing the road in Ho Chi Minh is a real challenge. You will require great effort and determination as the vehicles could come from any directions. According to the tour guide, out of 2 people in Ho Chi Minh there is one of them riding motorbike.  I have done a search from the Internet and found that Ho Chi Minh City has a  population of about 7 million and there about 4 million motorbikes on the road each day.

 Ho Chi Minh.347 Ho Chi Minh.349 Ho Chi Minh.345Ho Chi Minh.40 Ho Chi Minh.22Ho Chi Minh.229 Ho Chi Minh.230Ho Chi Minh.23 Ho Chi Minh.37 Ho Chi Minh.18A

Crossing the roads in Ho Chin Minh city is an utterly terrifying act.

To reduce the risk of heart attack, you could follow the local foot steps.

The behavior of the speeding motorists could not be easily changed.

After years of education they still remain the same.

At massive traffic intersections you should march into fierce battle with full confidence.

Survive the crossing is the evidence.

You could use locals as human shield until you reach the other side of the battle field.

Ho Chi Minh.24 Ho Chi Minh.32
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